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3 Strategies To Achieve Work / Life Balance (Hint: It’s Called Integration)

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Are you struggling to achieve work/life balance?

So was I…

… actually, I sucked at it.

I was that guy that would show up to parties and family functions strapped to his laptop – don’t judge :).

I self-justified with the belief that it was all o.k because I was driven and the “haters” simply didn’t get it.

This flawed mindset cost me my friendships, my relationship at the time, and my health.

I put on 20lbs (not muscle).

The struggle was brutal.

I didn’t want to stop building and scaling companies, but I didn’t want to end up alone, sick or dead either.

Exclusive Bonus: Download a list of my Top 5 productivity hacks (for free!). These are the top “hacks” that help me focus on family AND business.

And it wasn’t until after selling my company Spheric that I really took some time to reflect and ask myself if there was a better way.

Turns out there is… a much better way.

I call it work life integration.

That’s what I want to share with you in today’s video:

Not only do I share my approach for integrating life into work, but I also talk about the 7 pillars of life that must be kept in harmony.

Here they are:

  1. Health
  2. Love
  3. Friends
  4. Finances
  5. Mission
  6. Hobby
  7. Spirituality

Being aware of these pillars is great.

Integrating them into your life is where transformation truly occurs.

Watch the video to learn how I track, measure and integrate them on a weekly basis to ensure my business grows… while my health and relationships continue to thrive.

Also, I want to share a strategy called “NET” time (stands for No Extra Time) that I use to really get the most out of my day.

(after reading over 200+ personal development and productivity books, etc. I can confidently say that you won’t find this tip anywhere else)

Dive in now and learn how to start living a deeply integrated entrepreneurial life.

Exclusive Bonus: Click here to get access to a private interview called Surviving The Startup with TED speaker Esther Perel who taught me major concepts for achieving work & life integration.

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Buy Back Your Time is the blueprint to build a business you don't grow to hate.

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