(Free SaaS Resource) The SaaS Metrics Dashboard: Is Your Company Growing The Way It Should Be?

From a Dreamless Existence to Coaching Presidents: Ed Mylett’s Journey

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Never link your confidence to your abilities.

If you do, you’ll always feel like you’re never good enough.


Confidence should come from your intentions.

If your intentions are to do good and serve…

If you intend to build a thriving business with money in the bank…

You’ll never lose confidence in yourself – even if you find yourself in a situation that exceeds your capacity or preparation.

This is just one of dozens of the lessons Ed Mylett shared during our conversation at his beach house.

I’ve been studying personal development for the past 20 years, and Ed shared some breakthrough insights with me I’ve NEVER heard before.

I use his “Let me tell you about yourself” technique with my kids – it’s made me a much better Dad and Father.

Grab a seat and listen in to my chat with Ed:

Watch This If You’re Stuck In Your Life | Ed Mylett Interview Apply for a free growth session today >>> 

Couple other things you’ll learn:

  • How to instantly take the power away from negative thougthts and emotions that keep us stuck
  • 3 step calming technique Ed uses with the high performing athletes and Presidents
  • How to make “visualizations” 10x more powerful
  • The secret to keeping motivated even if you see no progress

Ed has the unique gift of making people feel special and important.

You have to experience it to see what I mean.

Get the Ed Mylett experience here – > LINK TO VIDEO

Drop a comment on the video and tell me your favourite “nugget” from my chat with Ed.

I love hearing from you.

Dan “Confidence Creator” Martell


I’ve been incredibly lucky to have been mentored by some amazing people over the years.

I wouldn’t be who I am today without their help and guidance.

As a way to give back, I started a private Facebook group for folks who want to meet and learn from other Founders on the same journey they are on,.

It’s called Scaling SaaS Founders and it’s free to join.

I’d be honoured to have you in the group.

Request to join here.




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