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How to Hire Top Talent: Four Steps to Gaining the Best Employees

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 I can’t work with you until I work with you.

It’s a hiring concept I initially adopted from marketing legend, Seth Godin.

A few years back I had the privilege to sit down with Seth to review some of the strategies I was using to vet experts inside of Clarity.

And that’s when he shared his ground breaking philosophy on hiring.

It made so much sense (and mitigated so much risk) that I decided I would never forego that process again.

Figuring out test projects or “small bets” for any potential employee, contractor, or even agency became a standard procedure.

Actually, one time I remember chatting with a strong candidate, and when it came down to the “test project” that I was willing to pay for, they said it wasn’t the way they worked.

Instead of investing $500 to see if we were a good fit for each other, they expected me to sign a $20K contract for 2 months worth of work.

Obviously that didn’t fly with me and I ended up going with another firm.

I just can’t imagine doing it any differently now …

… why would you get get married before you even went out on a date?

CRAZY TALK in my mind.

And a MAJOR sink hole that I challenge you to stop exposing yourself to before you blow half your quarter’s marketing budget on a big hire that doesn’t deliver.

Who you bring on to serve your business will literally make or break you.

And that’s why in this week’s video I share my top 4 strategies for hiring – the test project only being one of them.

I honestly believe the first 12 people you hire will decide the success of your startup… that’s why I’ve outlined these strategies to ensure you get it right:

I’m sure you’ve got some great stories on hiring and I would love to hear them in the comments. Be sure to share your best story on finding that killer hire.

Here’s to building a great team to help you build your dreams!

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