(Free SaaS Resource) The SaaS Metrics Dashboard: Is Your Company Growing The Way It Should Be?

How to Sell Your Startup for More Than It’s Worth

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So here’s the deal.

(See what I did there?)

At some point, if you start a company – you’re going to think about selling it…

… or maybe you don’t plan on selling it, but one day someone may show up and offer to buy it – that’s what happened to me.

Regardless, I want to help you make that process way easier so you can optimize the outcome and reduce the amount of time involved.

Having gone through the process 3 times for my own companies (and several other times for companies I’ve invested in), I’ve discovered 3 key strategies that can help you get the most out of the deal.

The key is to be proactive in your strategy…. even if you never plan on selling, it might make sense to spend some time over the next few years to build the right relationships to allow you to sell your startup for more than it’s worth.

It could be the highest leveraged time – from a cash ROI – that you’ll ever get :).

Watch this video to learn 3 key strategies for selling your startup :

Here’s what I go over:

  • Whitespace: How to figure out who would be a good fit to acquire you.
  • 21 People: Who are the right people to connect with? It usually comes down to 21 people in the world who will be involved in making this decision.
  • Teaching to Connect: The right approach to use when connecting with potential acquirers.

Leave me a comment below and tell me what you would do with the money if you sold your startup?

How would that impact your life? Your family? How would you spend your time if you didn’t need to work?

Love to hear from you in the comments.

Have an amazing day!

With gratitude,


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