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Screw Stealth Mode: Why You Should Tell Everyone Your Startup Idea

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Want to see me get upset?

Like… red in the face, I could deadlift a baby elephant with my rage alone, level upset?

Here’s how to do it:

Tell me your startup’s in “stealth mode” and you can’t talk about it.

Or worse, ask me to sign a freakin’ NDA before you “get into the particulars.”

WTF do you mean you can’t talk about it?

Why not?

What are you afraid is going to happen?

That someone’s going to drop everything going on in their life and business to pursue it?

How bloody arrogant do you need to be?

Even if they did, that simply means there’s NOTHING unique or hard about your idea.

If someone can beat you to the punch just by understanding the general, high-level concept, then you probably need to go back to the drawing board.

You think Uber is an easy idea to execute? Hell no.

Easy to understand, yes. To build? NO F-Ing way.

Alright… so now that I got that out of my system, let me tell you a few reasons you’ll want to tell others about your idea.

The biggest – and I go into detail more in this week’s video – is that you’ll get introduced to people in that space who could help you.

When I meet founders who are plagued by the “Stealth Syndrome”, I usually break it down into these 3 areas of value.

1) Big company partnerships for distribution
2) Finding potential investors or learning about the market
3) Getting introduced to other founders who’ve tried & failed, or have experience

The big win is learning faster than anyone else.

I also believe there’s a this thing called the Universal Law of Knowledge, and that anytime a founder has an idea for a startup, there are likely to be at least 3 other people in the world that have the same idea…

and it all comes down to who “out executes” the others faster.

That’s why you’ll see 2-3 startups solving the same exact problem go public within months of each other.

When it’s a good idea, it’s shared with others.

The person who learns the fastest wins.

So how do you learn fast? What do you do to get feedback on your idea?

Leave a comment with your strategy and story, and if I’m impressed I’ll share a few killer ones that I haven’t shared publicly with anyone.

Happy sharing.


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