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5 Tips and Strategies for Starting Your Own Business

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Do you know the story of Plenty of Fish (POF)?

Maybe you’re a member?

What I love most about the story is the way its founder, Marcus Frind built it.

He didn’t raise a bunch of money.
He didn’t dump all his life savings into the startup.
He didn’t even quit his job and jump in full time.

Instead, Marcus got up early every morning BEFORE his day job, and worked on it late into the night instead of watching Netflix, or playing video games like other would-be wantrepreneurs would.

Oh, and after 10 years he got acquired by Match Group for $500M.

Did I mention he is Canadian (probably why I like him so much 🙂

In a nutshell… he put in the work.

He proved that going “all in” has nothing to do with quitting your day job, and EVERYTHING to do with quitting all else that doesn’t serve your mission.

And that’s why I wanted to share my 5 best (and unexpected) strategies for getting lift off in your start up.

Even if you still work a 9-5 and feel like there are a million things anchoring you down.

In this video I go over 5 strategies you can use to start a business RIGHT AWAY.

One of my favourite strategies is implementing the mindset that you’re not supposed to know how to do it before you start!

That means getting your “ducks in a row” is not the way to start.

Another strategy is to organize an event!?!

Yep, organize an event!


Because there’s nothing better to actually simulate what starting a business is really like than creating an event.

You’ll learn about product creation, negotiation, pricing, sales and operational management.

Those are only 2 out of 5 ideas I share in this week’s video.

Watch the rest to really take your business from the sideline to the starting line and please leave me a comment below and let me know which one of these five strategies you are going to implement in your life?

Exclusive Bonus: Download my Growth Guide: The Top 7 Apps I Use To Growth Hack My Startups.

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