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[Escape Velocity] – Episode 25 – David Priemer at Cerebral Selling

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You know what gives me an instant explosive headache?


It takes me about 2 seconds before I can tell they’re reading from a script. 

“Are you happy with your… BLAH BLAH”. 

I’ve worked closely with many sales teams so I empathize with the job they have to do, but I simply cannot tolerate inauthentic selling. 

There’s no excuse. Just train your sales team properly!

What really grinds my gears is that telemarketers tarnish the reputation of all salespeople.

I call it scorched earth selling. 

But if you’ve ever met an AMAZING salesperson, then all is immediately forgiven. The whole sales interaction is seamless, comfortable and above all… authentic. 

Today I’d like you to meet a sales genius: David Priemer.

David is sometimes referred to as the “Sales Professor”. 

He was the VP of sales at Rypple, then the Principal of the Sales Training Academy at Salesforce… and then the VP of Commercial Sales there too.

Now he is the founder & Chief Sales Scientist at Cerebral Selling.

All of that adds up to a guy that understands the SCIENCE of authentic selling and how to train sales teams to perform better.

In the latest episode of Escape Velocity, David and I chat all about selling. Tune in and you’ll learn it from the best in the business.

Learn how to install elegance and efficiency in your sales process with David’s book, Sell The Way You Buy.

In this interview, David and I get chatting about:

  • Circumventing customer objections
  • David’s “The Reason I Ask…” sales hack ← You can start using this today
  • The right way to manage a sales team
  • The 3 areas that all top sales reps excel
  • The number 1 thing you can do to improve your sales team
  • Scripts vs Talk Tracks vs authentic selling
  • How Aziz Ansari laughed in the face of Salesforce

This isn’t just an interesting topic… It’s essential to growing your business.

If you took two rival SaaS companies with similar products, it’s the one with the well-trained and authentic sales team that will overtake the market.

I’d encourage you to invest time in learning about sales strategies and nurturing your team, no matter how big or small.

Your sales team is a weapon. Sharpen it.

If you like what you’ve heard in this interview and you want more, David has taken his years of experience and written a book called Sell The Way You Buy

And if your conversion rate isn’t where you want it to be, hop on a call with my scale specialists and we’ll help you out.


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