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[Escape Velocity] – Episode #50 – Aydin Mirzaee at Fellow.app

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If you’re trying to build a SaaS, you’re wasting your time.

You should be building a TEAM.

A team of talented developers, marketers, customer success agents and salespeople…

Then that team will build your SaaS.

It’s a huge paradigm shift, but it’s damn important.

Elon Musk didn’t hand-build Tesla cars himself, Richard Branson never piloted a Virgin aircraft, and Steve Jobs didn’t assemble the electrical components in the first Apple iPhone.

No, these entrepreneurs were visionaries and managers.

Your ability to inspire and MANAGE a team is going to be the driving force of your success.

So… what are you doing to be a better leader and manager?

This is SUCH a high point of leverage that I’m proud to introduce my latest guest to the Escape Velocity Podcast, Aydin Mirzaee.

Aydin is the CEO and co-founder of Fellow.app, a management application for businesses that have raised over $6.5M in capital.

His software is 100% dedicated to helping managers run more effective teams. He’s an expert at it.

…Which is why if you’re ever going to scale your business, you’re going to need to listen to this awesome interview.

Fellow.app wasn’t Aydin’s first success. His previous company, Fluidware, grew to $10M+ ARR before being successfully acquired by SurveyMonkey for a lucrative exit.

In this episode, Aydin and I get chatting about:

  • Why “star performers” are always the result of a team
  • The ONLY thing a manager should worry about
  • How to spot a failing manager
  • The Fellow.app freemium pricing model
  • The value of upflowing feedback
  • Why he hires teams… not people
  • How he bootstrapped Fluidware to $10M ARR with zero funding

Fellow.app is built on concrete management principles that have been proven to work time and time again.

To build an application like that, Aydin and his team HAVE to know and live these management principles.

And I hate to say it…

But so do you.

The best SaaS idea won’t find success if you don’t have the right team to carry it.

I’m telling you… this interview is not something to shrug off. It’s LOADED with insights that you should be leveraging to grow and manage a better team throughout 2021.

Listen to the episode here and drop me a comment with your favourite key insight.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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