How Rehab Made Me an Entrepreneur
When I was 17, I ended up in prison and eventually rehab… …sounds like a tough time, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I found a dusty programming book, an old 486 computer, and got it to say:
When I was 17, I ended up in prison and eventually rehab… …sounds like a tough time, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I found a dusty programming book, an old 486 computer, and got it to say:
When I was building Flowtown, we had 10,000 customers… … and we were losing 100% of them every 8 months. Literally, all of them, GONE.
One of my favorite move characters has got to be James Bond. 007 is really good at a few things: sneaking into places he doesn’t belong, and killing bad guys. He’s the ultimate assasin.
I did the numbers a few days ago… I’ve probably hired over 500+ people, personally. And I’ve wasted hundreds of thousands of $$$ by hiring the RIGHT person at the WRONG time. (I’m not even including all the money I wasted hiring the wrong person, period.) The biggest mistake I made was this:
Hey, Dan here 👋🏽 If you’re going through some setbacks right now, or injuries, or in a frustrating life situation you can’t see how you’ll get out of… First thing I’d do is invite you over to my home in Kelowna, BC We’d sit down on my big sofa next to a roaring fire.
Want to scale your business? Of course you do… rhetorical question. But maybe you’re stuck in a rut and unsure how to take the leap to that next goal… So it feels like you’re driving with the handbrake on. Lots of work, but you’re not going very far or very fast. Maybe you’ve already tried to add more people to
I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. At 17 I was driving a stolen car while high and drunk. With a handgun in a backpack on the passenger seat. Honestly, it’s a miracle I’m still alive.
Look, we all know…building a business is HARD… Pretty much ALL entrepreneurs hit the PAIN line at some point… They either sell, stall, or self-sabotage. But what if I told you there is a different way?
If you’ve ever met me, then you know… I’m pretty intense about almost everything I do. Which is probably why… I quit drinking almost a decade ago and it was probably one of the BEST decisions I’ve ever made in my life.
We’ve all heard stories of SaaS founders whose day-to-day business almost killed them. They get over-invested and their health suffers, their relationships suffer, their family suffers. But that’s NOT the story I want to share with you.