(Free SaaS Resource) The SaaS Metrics Dashboard: Is Your Company Growing The Way It Should Be?

The 3 Steps to Turning Your Assistant Into Your Company’s BIGGEST Asset

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Want to know the best way to manage your inbox?



Seriously… DON’T.

*Wrist Slap*

Inbox productivity may be all the rage, but for any top-performing entrepreneur who knows the value of their time, the best type of email management is…


And speaking as a CEO who used to sneak into the office every Sunday afternoon (after a 100 hour work week) just to clear my inbox, perhaps I’m still a bit jaded.

But putting my own bias aside, and steering this back to YOU…

… as an entrepreneur whose main function it is to develop a bold vision and steer a team towards its execution, you’re doing yourself, your company, and your personal freedom an unforgivable disservice by weighing yourself down with minimum wage tasks.

You deserve better.

Your friends and family deserve better.

And the world you serve through your product or service deserves better.

It took me way too long to realize this.

And even after I did, I still had to fight through the layers of resistance that came with giving my assistant FULL access to my inbox.

Exclusive Bonus: Download a list of my Top 5 productivity hacks (for free!)

But when I did… everything changed.

All of a sudden…

  • I had more time to work on the strategic projects that would scale my business.
  • More time to spend talking to customers and my team to ensure we were on track to succeed
  • More actual facetime with my friends and family (instead of staring at a screen all day).

In short…

My business grew exponentially and my personal freedom did as well.

And none of that would’ve happened unless I got over my own crap and hired an assistant to be the FIRST line of defense in my inbox. (more on how to do that in the video)

But that’s just step 1 of 3 in turning your assistant into your company’s greatest asset.

The other 2 are what REALLY push the needle forward in making sure your assistant’s contributions improve, grow and scale over time.

All while bulletproofing your business against turnover, and minimizing new hire onboarding time by up to 90%.

Pretty great, right?

Catch the FULL video here

… and then leave a comment telling me what task you’d absolutely LOVE to hand off to your assistant today.

To your new uptick in freedom,

– Dan

P.S. When giving your assistant the task of filtering your emails, make sure she continues to drop these weekly videos into your personal folder 😉

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Buy Back Your Time is the blueprint to build a business you don't grow to hate.

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