I recently spoke at Traffic & Conversion in San Diego when the topic of product demos came up.
And what I realized was quite simple but profound:
Everyone has a demo problem.
I mean… ev-ery-one.
And I’m willing to bet that if you were to look at your own business right now, you’re either lacking enough demos to really make a dent in your growth…
… or you’re super overwhelmed and inundated with crappy leads that don’t even have a puncher’s chance at converting.
aka. a soul-crushing waste of time with a massive opportunity cost.
That’s what inspired me to create this week’s episode to show you how to not only get more demos on your cal… but how to get the RIGHT leads on the zoom line that have at least a 65% chance at converting.
Exclusive Download: The Rocket Demo Builder™ – Never give a boring software demo again and close up to TWICE as many deals by this time next week
At a high level, here’s how to book more high quality demos out of your existing traffic:
- Pepper your CTA
- Match the message
- Sell the time
- Filter your funnel
- Warm the demo
I’d love it if you could start with the first one right away. It’s the ULTIMATE demo hack that can literally double the number of calls on your g-cal by next week.
Essentially it comes down to this:
What high-traffic pages do you have right now that aren’t “working hard enough” to turn a page visitor into a demo appointment?
We’re talking about your most highly-traffic’d entry pages as well as any major thank you pages (ie. lead magnet download, webinar sign up, etc.)
Peppering your CTA across these pages (and matching the message as I teach in step 2)… can significantly boost your appointment flow with just a few hours of work and not a single extra dollar in ad spend.
Watch the full vid here and then drop me a comment letting me know how you plan on implementing over the next week or two to get more qualified demo calls.